Moving Pictures, Optical Entertainments and the Advent of Cinema Documents Preview

This module of Victorian Popular Culture explores the pivotal era in entertainment history when previously static images came to life and moved for the first time. Through the wealth of printed and visual material as well as artefacts in this module, we are able to imagine the wide-eyed wonder of those early audiences, experiencing the magic of Victorian inventions and optical entertainments. Through the material selected for this resource, researchers are able to trace the history of cinema and the exciting journey it has taken from early visual entertainment such as shadows shows, to optical illusions, travelling entertainments in the form of peepshows and panoramas, the first projected images created by the camera obscura and magic lantern right through to the burgeoning film industry and the film star celebrities it created.

3 magic lantern slides from set of views of London: Guildhall, Law Courts and Mansion House n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
3-D pelicans n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The 5 Inch Siege Guns Crossing Vaal River 1900 Film BFI National Archive
8 assorted cartes de visite from William Friese Greene n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
9.5mm film projector n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A. Dieudonne: Napoleon vu par Abel Gance 1927 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A. Pumphrey's stereographs of English scenery n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Abbey of Holyrood n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Achromatic Stereoscope 1851-1865 360 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Acrobats/entertainers n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Actors and circus performers n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Adele De Garde: Vitagraph Co. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Adolphe Menjou n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Adolphe Menjou n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Adolphe Menjou - Kathryn Carver n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Adolphe Menjou: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for 'The Great European Diorama' 16 Sep 1852 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for a 'diorama of the polar expedition' 1837-1901 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for diorama prints 1 Jan 1806 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for the 'Eidephusicon', on show at the Saloon of Arts, Leicester Square n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for the Eidephusikon at the New Theatre Royal, Drury Lane 1824 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for the Eidophusikon at the New Theatre Royal, Drury Lane 19 Apr 1824 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for exhibition of dissolving views at the Royal Adelaide Gallery n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for the Grand Pharmacie de la Place d'Italie, featuring ombrascope of the boxer Carpentier n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for Hardy Gillard's Great American Educational Panorama n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement for Hinchliffe's coals n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertisement from Cornhill Magazine for J. Amadio's 'Minute photographic portraits' and associated Albert Smith slide Jun 1860 Periodical The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertising by motion pictures 1916 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertising card with chromatrope effect: Bovril n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertising card with thaumatrope action: Aux Galeries Lafayette n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advertising slide: Betty Balfour endorsing Warren's chocolate n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Advice from the other world: or a peep in the magic lantern 1820 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Aerial view 'Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood' set and Fairbanks - Pickford Studios: Hollywood, California n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
African animals n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Aftermath of Franco-Prussian war, 1870: unidentified ruined bridges and buildings c.1870 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Agitato no. 1 1915 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Agnes Ayres n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Agnes Ayres n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Agnes Ayres n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Agnes Ayres n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Agnes Ayres n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Agnes Ayres: Paramount star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ain't it cold Luv n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Al Jolson n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Al Jolson n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Al Jolson: Warner Bros. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Albert Bassermann - Gustav Frohlich n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Albert McGovern: Lubin n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Albert Ray: Fox n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Albert Ray: Fox picture star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Albert Smith n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Albert Smith photograph n.d. Photograph
Albert Smith souvenir plate n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Albert Smith, esq.: supplement to the Illustrated News of the World n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Album de l'éxposition 1900: 120 vues et 7 plans 1900 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alexander Harvey: [Wilfred Lucas] n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alfred Crowquill's Comic History of the Kings and Queens of England from William the Conqueror to the Present Time n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alhambra, Leicester Square, London n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Brady n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Brady n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Brady: Gaumont n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Brady: Gaumont 'Select Pictures' star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Brady: Gaumont 'Select Pictures' star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Day n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Hollister: Kalem n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Joyce: Kalem n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Joyce: Kalem n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Joyce: Vitagraph n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Joyce: Vitagraph n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry 1925 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry - Jwan Petrovich n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry - Milton Sills: First National pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry and Lewis Stone in 'The prisoner of Zenda' 1923 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice Terry and Rex Ingram n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alice White n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The All Clear Has Been Sounded n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alla Nazimova n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alla Nazimowa n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alma Rubens n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alma Rubens: Fox films n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Almanac for 1910: Thomas Alva Edison, the world's great inventor 1925 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Aloma 1925 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alphabet des Costumes: Auvergnats n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alphabetisches Myriorama [reproduction]: mit 24 illuminirten Karten n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alps n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alps forest trail n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alps glaciers 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alps mountain peaks 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Alps trail n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Always: (1) n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Always: (2) n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Always: (3) n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The amateur cinematographer's handbook on movie making c.1924 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The amateur's assistant: or, a series of instructions in sketching from nature n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The amazing Mr. Fellman: The sharps inveigle Bob into a game of poker n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Amazing Triumph of the New British Film Star 27 Nov 1922 Film BFI National Archive
Ambrotype of an unknown woman 1860-1900 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Amelia dioramic paper picture: Eton College n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Amelia dioramic paper picture: Linlithgow Palace n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anamorphic portraits of six statesmen n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anamorphic speculum and set of cards n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The anchor's weigh'd n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ancient and modern art, Conway n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Andy Clark: Edison player n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The angel and the holy women n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Angleterre et Ecosse: From the E.H. Collection, Paris, part of its England and Scotland series 1901-1910 Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Animals in motion: an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal progressive movements 1899 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Animated photography: the ABC of the cinematograph 1900 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Louise: Warner Bros & Vitaphone pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Louise: Warner Bros. and Vitaphone pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Page n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Page n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Page - Buster Keaton n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Page: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Stewart n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Stewart n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Stewart n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anita Stewart n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna Lee: Gaumont British n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna Little: Bolton's-Mutual star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna Little: in 'The black box' 1915 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna Little: in 'The black box' 1915 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna M. Stewart: Vitagraph Co. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna May Wong n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna May Wong: Paramount n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna Nilsson: Kalem n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna Pavlova n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna Q. Nilsson n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anna Q. Nilsson: First National n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Annabelle - Serpentine Dance 1895 Film BFI National Archive
Anne Schaefer: of the Vitagraph players n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Annette Kellerman: 1926 1926 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Annette Kellerman: the celebrated picture player n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Annette Kellermann n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Annette Kellermann: Fox film star artiste n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anny Ondra n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anny Ondra n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Anonymous letter relating to white shadow images n.d. Correspondence The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Antonio D'Algy / John Gilbert / Syd Chaplin / Glenn Tryon n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Antonio Moreno n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Antonio Moreno n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Antonio Moreno: Vitagraph n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Antonio Moreno: Vitagraph n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Any Old Iron 1911 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Approach of the Simoom - desert of Gizeh 1849 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ara Force, Patterdale n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Arabes jouent aux cartes, Algerie n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Argyle Street, Birkenhead 1918 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead: Monday Dec. 16, 1901 1901 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead: Monday Nov. 12, 1900 1900 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead: Monday, Jan. 25, 1897. Polverini's improved French cinematograph. 25 Jan 1897 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead: Monday, June 30, 1902. A brilliant series of animated photos specially taken for the Royal Bioscope 1902 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead: Monday, November 22nd, 1897 22 Nov 1897 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Arlequinades n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Arline Pretty n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Art exhibition publicity handbill: Exhibition of 26 historical paintings at the Cosmorama n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The art of photoplay making 1918 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The art of projection and complete magic lantern manual 1893 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The art of shadowgraphy: how it is done n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The art of shadowgraphy: how it is done n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The art of silhouette 1913 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Artemus Ward's lecture: as delivered at the Egyptian Hall, London 1869 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Arthur Buchanan: [Dell Henderson] n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Arthur Buchanan: [Dell Henderson] n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Arthur Johnson: Lubin n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Arthur V. Johnson: Lubin players 1913 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Artist's Model 1898 Film BFI National Archive
The ascension n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ascent of the Daubenhorn 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
An Ascent of Monte Rosa n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Asian shadow puppet: two unidentified figures n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Asleep in the deep n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Asleep in the deep: (1) c.1910 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Asleep in the deep: (2) c.1910 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Asleep in the deep: (3) c.1910 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Assembly Rooms, Royal Hotel, Plymouth: Thursday March 17th 17 Mar 1870 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Assembly Rooms, Royal Hotel, Plymouth: Wednesday, March 23rd 1870-1881 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Assorted black and white stereoscopes n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Assorted colour stereoscopes n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Assorted lantern slides: military and war n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Assorted religious lantern slides, mostly of 'The Pilgrim's Progress' n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Asta Nielsen n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Asta Nielsen n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Asta Nielsen n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
At the dance n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
At Fountains Abbey n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
At the wedding feast n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Athalie Davis n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Athenaeum, Goldhawk Road: Bennett Brothers' grand new diorama of France, India, and Africa c.1880 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Auguste and Louis Lumière as boys playing chess n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Auguste Lumière autograph letter 1920 Correspondence The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Auguste Lumiere typescript letter: Auguste Lumiere to M. C. M. Savarit [?] 1933 Correspondence The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Aurele Sydney: who plays 'Ultus' in Gaumont's Great British Films n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Autograph letter: Richard Kearton to Mr. Calvert 1924 Correspondence The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Autographed portrait of Mr George Edwin Clive in 'The link that binds' [The Manxman] 1914 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Baby Helen n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Baby Lillian Wade: Selig Players n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Baby Marie Osborne: (The cuddly kid) n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Baby Pauline n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bamforth's life model lantern slides advertisement n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bank of England & Royal Exchange n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Barbara La Marr n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Barbara La Marr: Metro n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The barber's shop: children's game n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Barker's Pool, Sheffield n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Barry O'Moore: Edison player n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bartholomew Fair 1808 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Basil Rathbone n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Basrah Times 5 Feb 1919 Periodical The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Battle of Waterloo peepshow n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Beach Street, York Beach, Me. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe 1923 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe Daniels n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe Daniels n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe Daniels n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe Daniels n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe Daniels n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe Daniels n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe Daniels n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe Daniels appearing in 'Rio Rita': An Ideal Radio picture n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe Daniels: First National n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe: (Little Abelar) n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bebe: (Little Abelar) n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Beckenham Pavilion presents the world's wonder film 'Metropolis': for one week from Monday, 10th Oct. [1927] 10 Oct 1927 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Beddgelert, Pen Aberglaflyn, from below the Bridge 1863 Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Beddgelert: Nant Mill and cascades n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Beddgelert: the road to Dinas Lake n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Beddgelert: turnpike at Aberglaflyn n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Beginner's guide to photography: showing how to buy a camera and how to use it n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Behind the motion-picture screen 1920 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Belfry of Bruges n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bella Tolla 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ben Hur chariot race march 1894 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ben Lyon n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ben Lyon n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ben Wilson n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ben Wilson: Trans-Atlantic star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ben Wilson: who plays the leading role in the Trans-Atlantic serial 'The voice on the wire' 1917 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Benita Hume n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Berne. Le Berner Hof. n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Barriscale n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Barriscale 1917 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Love n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Love n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Love n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Love: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Love: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer films n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Love: Triangle star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Love: Vitagraph n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bessie Love: Western Import Coy. n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Best always to take your hanky to the talkies! 1930 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The better land n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The better land n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Balfour n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Balfour n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Balfour 1928 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Blythe n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Blythe n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Blythe n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Blythe: Vitagraph n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Blythe: Vitagraph n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Bronson n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Bronson: Paramount film 1931 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Compson n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Compson n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Compson n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Compson n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Compson in 'The little minister': Gammon Film n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Compson: Paramount Pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Nansen n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Betty Nansen n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bijou Dream: the most complete and finest picture theatre in Pittsburgh. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Bill Poster 1899 Film BFI National Archive
Billie Dove n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Billie Ritchie: Trans-Atlantic films n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Billy Barr: Charlie Chaplin impersonator n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Binocular Slides: The Great War n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The biograph in battle: its story in the South African war 1901 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Bioscope n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Bioscope 1904 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bioscope show: Weston-Super-Mare pier n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bird's eye view from the Stair-case & the upper part of the Pavilion, in the Coloseum [sic], Regent's Park Jun 1829 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The birth of a nation: the most stupendous and fascinating motion picture drama created in the United States c.1915 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The birth of a nation: the most stupendous and fascinating motion picture drama ever created c.1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Birthplace of Will Rogers: well folks, my time's up n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Black trackers at work: The story of 'The Kelly gang', the great Australian drama n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blanche Sweet n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blanche Sweet n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blanche Sweet n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blanche Sweet: Biograph players 1913 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blanche Sweet: J. Lasky Company n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blanche Sweet: Jesse L. Lasky star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blanche Sweet: Jesse Lasky's leading star artiste n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blanche Sweet: Jesse Lasky's star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blick vom Dach der Werderschen Kirche: nach Nordern / Suden n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blossom and decay n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blossom and Decay n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blossom and decay n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blue bell: 1 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blue bell: 1 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blue bell: 1 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blue bell: 2 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blue bell: 2 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blue bell: 3 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blue bell: 3 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blue bell: 4 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Blue bell: 4 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bob Steele: F.B.O. western star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boer war of 1900 1900 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The bogus count: Charlie Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bonnie Hill: Universal n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The book of the lantern (Service Company) 1907 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The book of shadows n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A book of spectres n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Book publicity handbill: guide to kinematography n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Book publicity prospectus: Animals in motion c.1895 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Booklet with programme at the New Gallery Kinema, Regent Street, London, September 1913 Sep 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boris Karloff: Universal n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bosco n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boss o' the house 1924 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boulevards de Paris c.1846 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box containing five assorted lantern slides depicting various subjects n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box of 15 assorted lantern slides n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box of 5 photographic lantern slides showing various scenes at a beach n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box of 8 assorted magic lantern slides, mostly with religious subjects n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box of assorted scientific magic lantern slides n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box of French lantern slides including six comic slides and six slides illustrating the story of Solichinel n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box of lantern slide masks: Primus lantern masks n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box of opaque lantern slides n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box of silhouettes n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Box of slides including 'The Pied Piper of Hamlin', 'Babes in the wood', an apple stealer getting his comeuppance, and others n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed magic lantern, accessories and slides n.d. 360 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 12 lantern slides illustrating 'The House that Jack Built', 'Red Riding Hood' and 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 12 lantern slides with lecture: Nellie's Prayer n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 12 magic lantern slides: Curfew must not ring to-night n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 12 magic lantern slides: The Jackdaw of Rheims n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 13 lantern slides: Ali Baba n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 15 magic lantern slides (assorted) n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 6 lantern slides: The World War, chapter 1 n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 7 slides: various advertisements and tunes n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 8 lantern slides: Dick Whittington n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 8 lantern slides: Our Firemen n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 8 lantern slides: Peter Pan, chapter 3 1919 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 8 lantern slides: The World War, chapter VII n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 8 magic lantern slides (only two remaining): Red Riding Hood n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 8 magic lantern slides: John Gilpin n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of 8 magic lantern slides: Mickey Mouse in 'Pioneer Days' n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boxed set of forty four photo lantern slides of the life of Robert Louis Stevenson. n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The boys and the bees n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Boy's Friend complete library: Charlie Chaplin's schooldays 1916 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Boy's Own Paper 1891 Periodical The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bransby Williams n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Brewster type stereoscope c.1860 360 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Brewster type stereoscope n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Bride's First Night 1898 Film BFI National Archive
Bridge over gorge, Switzerland n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A brief account of the Colosseum: in the Regent's Park, London 1829 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Brigitte Helm n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Brigitte Helm n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Brigitte Helm: UFA n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Brigitte Helm: UFA n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bringing in the horses n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bristol: the Observatory n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
British Paramount News: the eyes and ears of the world n.d. Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
British Patent specification for camera lucida: William Hyde Wollaston, drawing apparatus 1856 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Briton Picture Palace, Low Valley: week commencing Monday, Aug. 24th 1914 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Broadsheet for the improved pantographe n.d. Catalogue The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Broadway at night: Los Angeles, California n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Broadway Cinematograph Palace, Tooting Broadway, S. W. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Broadway: Los Angeles, California n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Brushing hair n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bryant Washburn: Essanay n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bryant Washburn: Pathe n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buck Jones c.1910 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buck Jones n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buck Jones: Fox n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buck Jones: in 'White Eagle' n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buck Jones: United Artists n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buckingham Palace n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Budapest: Rundgemalde: Panorama n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The building in Leicester Square: for Mr Wyld's model of the earth n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Building a scene on one of the Pathe studio-stages for a film play n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Building a set at the Metro Studios, Hollywood n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bullock's Museum, Piccadilly: [Egyptian Hall] 1815 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bunch of unidentified flowers n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Bunch of unidentified flowers n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Burlington Bertie from Bow 1915 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The business man in the amusement world 1910 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buster Keaton n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buster Keaton n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buster Keaton in one of his comedies: Hollywood n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buster Keaton: as the Pilot in 'The boat' 1922 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buster Keaton: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buster Keaton's home: Hollywood, Calif. n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A busy spot on Hamstead Heath n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Buttermere and Sour Milk Gill, from the Knots, Cumberland n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
C. M. Hallard n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cabane de Barberine - Switzerland 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The cabinet album views of Edinburgh n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cabinet card photograph: Leicester Square (showing roof of Panorama) n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cabinet card photograph: Royal Alhambra Palace, Leicester Square n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cabiria 1914 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cabiria: historical vision of the third century B.C 1914 Press Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cabiria: historical vision of the third century B.C. 1914 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cairo, looking west 1848 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cake walk up-to-date n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The call of the motherland: Loyalty in the Canadian backwoods n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Cambridge reading lamp: no. 2 n.d. 360 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cambridge Terrace and the Colosseum, Regent's Park 1828 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cambridge Terrace and the Colosseum, Regent's Park 1828 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Camera lucida 1817 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Camera lucida in box n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Camera lucida in box: The universal camera lucida n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Camera lucida: plate 46 1817 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The camera man 1919 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Camera obscura illustrations n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Camilla Horn: United Artists n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Canterbury: week commencing Monday, September 3rd Sep 1923 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Capitol Photoplay Agitato 1923 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Capitol Photoplay Gruesome 1923 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Capitol Photoplay Misterioso No. 1 1923 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Capitol Theatre, New York City: Foyer of theatre showing grand staircase leading to promenade n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Capitol Theatre, New York City: View of state box n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Captain Noel with his kinematograph camera: on the North Col of Mount Everset at 23,000 feet photographing the climbing n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Capture of Ned Kelly: The story of 'The Kelly gang', the great Australian drama n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cards for creating moving shadow show images n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carette Magic Lantern and Cinematograph Projector 1912 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carl Brisson 1925 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carl Brisson: in 'The apache' n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carl Brisson: in 'The Manxman' n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carlisle Bridge, and Sackville Street, Dublin n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carmel Myers n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carmel Myers n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carmel Myers n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carmen c.1926 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carol Dempster n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carol Dempster n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carol Dempster and Ralph Graves in 'Dream street' n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carol Holloway: Vitagraph n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carol Lombard [sic]: Paramount n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carol Lombard [sic]: Paramount n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carole Lombard n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carole Lombard n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carole Lombard: Paramount pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carole Lombard: Paramount pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte de visite: unidentified man 1875-1885 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite photograph: Albert Smith n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite photograph: boy dressed as street urchin c.1848 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite photograph: Pont-neuf, Paris n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite photograph: Princes Street, Edinburgh, looking east n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite photograph: T. Alva Edison c.1873 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite photograph: two boys dressed as street urchins c.1848 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite photograph: unidentified woman 1875-1885 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: Michael Faraday n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: The Queen and Prince Consort n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: Sir David Brewster n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: two unidentified children n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: unidentified boy dressed as beggar n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: unidentified girl n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: unidentified man n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: unidentified man dressed as cricketer n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: unidentified woman n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: unidentified woman n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: unidentified woman n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: unidentified woman using knitting machine n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photograph: William Burford n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Carte-de-visite portrait photographs c.1865 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Casino, Saltcoats: week commencing Monday, Dec. 13th 1920 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Casket: of literature, science, and entertainment 19 Nov 1931 Periodical The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cast of D. W. Griffith's masterpiece 'Way down East' c.1920 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Castle ruins n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Castle ruins on Alps 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Catalogue of Kinutilities: March, 1914 Mar 1914 Catalogue The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Catalogue of optical lantern slides, lecture sets &c. n.d. Catalogue The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Catalogue of perspective views, coloured for the shew glass, or diagonal mirror n.d. Catalogue The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Catalogue of the Poecilorama (group of cosmoramic paintings) at the Egyptian Hall in 1826 c.1826 Catalogue The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Caterpillar and butterfly n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cathedral alter 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cathedral, from the walls n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ceci vous représente n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cecil B. de Mille n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cecil B. DeMille: Artcraft Pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Central Africa c.1890 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Ceylon n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chamounix, Savoie 1900-1920 Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chang: Bimbo, the entrancing Gibbon Ape n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Changing face matchbook cover: This man patronizes us / this man wishes he had n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Changing face picture: Meine Frau und meine Schwiegermutter c.1889 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Changing faces picture: Comedy / tragedy 1832 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Changing figures paper folding toy: Changing pictures - endless fun for boys and girls n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chapelle Anglaise à Chamonix n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charity event programme: Third Kinema Club carnival 4 Feb 1924 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Arthur n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Boyer: Paramount n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Boyer: Paramount n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Delaney and Alice White n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles E. Delaney / Bert Roach / John Miljan / William Demarest n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Farrell n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Farrell n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Farrell n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Farrell - Janet Gaynor: Fox n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Farrell: Fox n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Farrell: Fox pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Kent: Vitagraph Co. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Laughton n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Laughton: Paramount pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ogle: of the Edison Photo-Play Co. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray and staff: The Charles Ray Productions, Hollywood n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray Productions, Incorporated n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray: as Richard Morgan in 'R.S.V.P.' 1922 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray: in Paramount pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray: Paramount n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray: Paramount Pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray: Paramount Pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Ray: Triangle picture star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Rogers n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Rogers n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Rogers n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charles Rogers - Nancy Carroll n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charley's aunt: kept on running still 1925 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie 'The Perfect Lady': Charles Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie and the Bulldog: Charlie Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie at Sea (snapped on the way to America): Charles Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie at Work: Charlie Chaplin in Chaplin at Work n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie becomes a star: Charlie Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin n.d. Postcard; Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin acrobatic toy: Gym Charlie c.1919 360 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan: in 'The kid' n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin and Mabel Normand n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin and Mabel Normand portraits with movable eyes n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin dancing figure: Dancing Charlie n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin dancing figure: Dancing Charlie n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin dancing figure: Dancing Charlie n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin figure n.d. 360 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin figures n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin figurine on chair n.d. 360 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Charlie Chaplin fun book n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin in The Gold Rush 1926 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Charlie Chaplin scream book 1915 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin stroboscopic moving portrait: Living portrait n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin: fox trot 1915 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin: in the army 1917 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin: marche grotesque 1916 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin's frolics: eccentric dance 1915 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin's funny stunts: in full color n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie has an ice: Charles Chaplin in Charlie by the Sea n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie the House Decorator: Charles Chaplin in Charlie at Work n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie in Private Life: Charles Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie in the Shivers: Charles Chaplin in Charlie the Perfect Lady n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie is Shanghaied: Charles Chaplin in Shanghaied n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie the Messenger: Charles Chaplin in Charlie at the Bank n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie the Nurse: Charlie Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie on the Ocean 5 Sep 1921 Film BFI National Archive
Charlie threatens count: Charlie Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie up against it: Charlie Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie yawns: Charlie Chaplin in Charlie the Tramp n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie's Day Out (Snapped on Los Angeles Beach): Charles Chaplin n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlie's Flirtation: Charles Chaplin in Charlie by the Sea n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlot n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlotte Burton: Bolton's-Mutual star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Charlotte Walker n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chas. W. Poole n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chaudiere Falls, Ottawa, Can., from Bulkhead, above n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chemist's publicity card with white shadow image: Dranem n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chemist's publicity card with white shadow image: Jean Jaures n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chemist's publicity handbill with dioramic image: Bournemouth from Terrace Mount n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cherry Kearton c.1930 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chevalier March 1922 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chez le peintre n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chief Medicine Eagle of 'The covered wagon' n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Children by a stream n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Children in a Swiss village 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Children of the village 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Children of the village gathered 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Children playing a game n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Children viewing peepshow n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chinese shadow puppet: unidentified male figure with quiver of arrows n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chrissie White n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chrissie White: Hepworth picture player n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chrissie White: Hepworth picture player 1918 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chrissie White: Hepworth picture player n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chrissie White: Hepworth Picture Player n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chrissie White: Hepworth picture player / 'The winning smile' n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Christ-love: the angel of the star n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Christian missionary colouring book n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Christmas at the Front 30 Dec 1914 Film BFI National Archive
Christmas greetings from Mary Pickford 1919 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Christmas magic motion picture book and pocket kinematograph: book 2 n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Christmas shadows n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Christmas shadows n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chromo-Litho Slides: Assorted n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chromo-Litho Slides: Assorted No. 101 n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chu Chin Chow the Cobbler's Song 1923 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Chu Chin Chow Piano Selection 1923 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Church and graveyard scene 1865 Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cigarette card album: Shadows 1889 Scrapbook The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinderella n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema acting as a profession 1915 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema acting as a profession: practical course in cinema acting in ten complete lessons c.1920 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema anniversary souvenir handbill: first anniversary of Govan Hall pictures 1909 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema celebrities - cigarette card. n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema chat 29 Sep 1919 Periodical The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema hospitality invitation: Electric Theatre, Edinburgh 1911 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema House and Fargate, Sheffield n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema interior with photo of child n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema model with moving panorama: Picture Palace n.d. 360 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema music no. 1 1914 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The cinema on a battleship c.1917 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema opening performance invitation: suburban electric theatres 1910 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema opening programme: Futurist Theatre, Birmingham 30 Jul 1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema opening programme: New Gallery Kinema, London 14 Jan 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema particulars and conditions of sale: The Electric Theatre, Bath 1913 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema plays 1920 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme display board: Prices of admission n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Bohemia Cinema, Finchley, London 6 Jan 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Bohemia Cinema, Finchley, London 22 Jun 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Bohemia Cinema, Finchley, London 25 Jun 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Castle Electric Theatre, Richmond / Nero, or the fall of Rome c.1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: City Picture House, Liverpool 4 Jun 1917 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Coleman's Picture Palace, Pokesdown, Hampshire c.1910 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Electric Theatre, Weston-super-Mare 9 Nov 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Gaumont Theatre, Paris c.1917 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Kinéma-Théâtre Gab-ka, Paris, week commencing 3 December 1909 3 Dec 1909 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Opera House, Jersey 13 Jun 1910 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Pavilion Cinema, Ramsgate 2 Jun 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Philharmonic Hall, London c.1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Philharmonic Hall, London 24 Oct 1917 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Philharmonic Hall, London c.1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Philharmonic Hall, London 26 Dec 1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Philharmonic Hall, London c.1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Philharmonic Hall, London c.1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Philharmonic Hall, London c.1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Picture House, Ipswich 1 Jan 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Picture House, Ipswich 20 Oct 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Picture House, Leicester 2 Mar 1911 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Picture House, Leicester 23 Mar 1911 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Polytechnic Hall, Regent Street, London c.1922 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Prince's Theatre, London 1 Sep 1917 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Queen's Hall, London 26 Dec 1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Royal Albert Hall, London 1 Nov 1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Royal Albert Hall, London 22 Nov 1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Royal Opera House, London 14 Aug 1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Royal Opera House, London c.1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Scala Theatre, London c.1915 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Scala Theatre, London c.1917 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Scala Theatre, London c.1918 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Scala Theatre, London c.1917 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Sheffield Picture Palace 1 Aug 1910 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Strand Theatre, New York 15 Nov 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Strand Theatre, New York 11 Oct 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: Tyseley Picture House, Birmingham, 30 June 1918 30 Jun 1918 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: West End Cinema Theatre, London 18 Jul 1922 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: West End Cinema Theatre, London c.1922 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: West End Cinema, London 20 Apr 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema programme: West End Cinema, London, week commencing 14 May 1917 / Masks and faces 1917 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity bookmark: Souvenir of the coronation of George V 1911 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity card: Pooles Picture Palace, Ipswich 1908 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity free ticket: New Cross cinematograph theatre 1910 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity handbill: King's Hall, Tooting 1912 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity handbill: Kinnodrome, Kessingland 1915-1920 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity handbill: Leas Pavilion 28 Mar 1898 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity handbill: New Cross cinematograph theatre c.1910 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity handbill: Orpington Picture Palace n.d. Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity handbill: Orpington Picture Palace c.1913 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity handbill: Peckham Picture Theatre, London 9 Jan 1911 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity handbill: Picture House, Birmingham 27 Nov 1911 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity handbill: West's exposition of life in 'Our Navy' c.1901 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity invitation card: Salle Marivaux, Paris 3 Feb 1919 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Academy Cinema, Brighton 7 Feb 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Academy Picture Palace, Brighton 26 Jan 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Academy Picture Palace, Brighton 17 Nov 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Academy Picture Palace, Brighton 10 Feb 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Birkdale Picture Palace, Southport 20 Mar 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Birkdale Picture Palace, Southport 20 Mar 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Birkdale Picture Palace, Southport 3 Apr 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Bohemia Cinema, Finchley, London 11 Nov 1915 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Broadway Kinema, Peterborough 24 Mar 1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Cinema House, Peckham, London 22 Apr 1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Clapton Cinematograph Theatre, London 17 Jun 1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Clune's Auditorium, Los Angeles 22 Apr 1918 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Coronet Theatre, Notting Hill Gate, London 15 Jan 1917 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Covent Garden Opera House, London 21 Dec 1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Electra Palace Cinema, Oxford 9 Mar 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Electra Palace Cinema, Oxford 19 Jan 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Electra Palace Cinema, Oxford 20 Apr 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Electric Coliseum Cinema, Harringay, London 9 Feb 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Electric Palace, Marble Arch, London 24 Mar 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Electric Pavilion Cinema, Rotherham, Yorkshire 20 Oct 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Electric Theatre de Luxe, Sunderland 16 Jun 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Electric Theatre de Luxe, Sunderland 20 Dec 1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Hyde Park Picture House, Leeds 10 Apr 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Imperial Hall, East Dulwich, London 29 Dec 1910 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: King's Palace Cinema, Wimbledon, London 15 Apr 1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: King's Picture Playhouse, Chelsea, London 7 Feb 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: King's Picture Playhouse, Chelsea, London 13 Dec 1915 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: King's Theatre, Hammersmith, London 29 Aug 1904 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Cinema publicity programme: Leon Vint's Scenorama and Globe Choir Federation / Globe Express excursions by the Bigograph c.1906 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Marble Arch Pavilion Cinema, London 3 Feb 1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Marble Arch Pavilion Cinema, London 11 Sep 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: National Electric Theatre, Chatham, London 28 Jul 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: New Gallery Kinema, London 22 Mar 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: New Scala Theatre, London Jan 1925 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Operetta House, Clacton-on-Sea 7 Oct 1918 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Oxford Theatre, London 16 Mar 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Palace Cinema 27 Oct 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Palace Picturedrome Cinema, Reigate, Surrey 16 Mar 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Palace Pier Theatre, Brighton 15 Dec 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Palace Theatre, Bath 16 Jun 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Peckham Picture Playhouse, London 17 Feb 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Penzance Pavilion Pictures / Queen Bess 2 Dec 1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Philharmonic Hall, London c.1923 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Philharmonic Hall, London / Imperial India reproduced in Kinemacolor n.d. Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Picture House, Birmingham 1 Jul 1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Picture House, Birmingham 20 Nov 1911 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Picture House, Ipswich 23 Oct 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Picture House, Leicester 27 Feb 1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Picture House, Stockport 17 Nov 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Picture House, Stowmarket 23 Mar 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Picturedrome Cinema, Bath 25 Sep 1911 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Picturedrome Cinema, Macclesfield, week commencing 18 August 1913 / East Lynne 18 Aug 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Polytechnic Theatre, London c.1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Premier Electric Theatre, Ilford 8 Jun 1911 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Queen's Hall, London c.1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Regent Cinema, Brighton 30 Oct 1922 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Royal Albert Hall, London 25 May 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Royal Opera House, London c.1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Royalty Kinema, Richmond, Surrey 30 Jul 1917 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Scala Super-Cinema, Liverpool 18 Nov 1918 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Scala Theatre, Birmingham 1918 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Scala Theatre, London 15 Sep 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Scala Theatre, London 21 Jul 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Scala Theatre, London / Kinemacolor n.d. Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Scala Theatre, London / Kinemacolor / With our King and Queen through India c.1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Scala Theatre, London, week commencing 26 September 1914 / Kinemacolor / With the fighting forces of Europe 26 Sep 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Seamore Theatre, Glasgow Jun 1925 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Sheffield Picture Palace 17 Oct 1910 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: South Parade Pier, Southsea, Hampshire Dec 1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Spectatorium, Blackpool c.1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Strand Theatre, New York 9 Jun 1918 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London c.1916 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Theatre-de-Luxe Cinema, Birmingham 24 Feb 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Theatre-de-Luxe Cinema, Birmingham 4 Nov 1912 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Vaudeville Electric Theatre, Reading 21 Jul 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Vaudeville Electric Theatre, Reading 10 Mar 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: West End Cinema, London 21 Aug 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: West's Picture Palace, Bournemouth 5 May 1913 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: West's Pictures, Bournemouth 30 Jun 1919 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: William Fox Isis Cinema, Denver, Colorado 11 Oct 1919 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Winter Hall, Worthing 17 Jun 1914 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema publicity programme: Young Men's Society Hall, Kanturk, 18 April 1898 / Irish lights and shadows / The marvellous Cinemat 18 Apr 1898 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema share prospectus: Winton (Bournemouth) Electric Palace Limited 1913 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The cinema star 1913 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Cinema Star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The cinema star valse: on melodies from the musical comedy 1913 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The cinema star: selection 1913 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema stars - cigarette card n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema stars - cigarette card n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema stars - cigarette card c.1910 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema stars - first series n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinema Theatre, Morn Hill n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The cinematograph act 1909 1913 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinematograph beauty competition information leaflet 1912 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The cinematograph book 1915 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinematograph show publicity handbill: the romance of the cinema n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinematograph Theatre n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinematograph theatres: a series of illustrations, plans, etc., of picture houses 1922 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinematograph Trade Dinner invitation card 1910 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinematograph Trade Dinner menu card 1910 Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinematographe Lumière 1896 360 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cinematography for amateurs 1916 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Circle in the square, 28 Leicester Square, W.: London's leading Bioscopic display n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The circle in the square: Animated pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Circular letter promoting charity film screening: Special entertainment in aid of the Prince of Wales' National War Relief Fund 17 Aug 1914 Correspondence The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Circus animals n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
City Square, Sheffield n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cl. Durkoop (photographer) n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clara Bow n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clara Bow n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clara Bow n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clara Bow n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clara Bow n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clara Kimball Young at Garson Studios, Edendale n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clara Kimball Young: Gaumont n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clara Kimball Young: Gaumont 'Select pictures' star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clara Kimball Young: of the Vitagraph players n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clarendon picture plays: Miss Dorothy Bellew n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clay Smith n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cleo Madison: Trey o' hearts 1915 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cleo Ridgely: Famous Players-Lasky star n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cleo Ridgley: Lasky n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cleopatra's Needle n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clive Brook n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clive Brook n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clive Brook n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clive Brook n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clive Brook: Paramount pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clockwork Kinora viewer c.1908 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clovelly: High Street n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Clown and Policeman 1900 Film BFI National Archive
Coal mining n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cock o' the North c.1903 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Coffee publicity handbill with hand shadow image: A la belle jardinière n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Coliseum, Regent's Park 1828 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colleen Moore n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colleen Moore n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colleen Moore: First National Vitaphone n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
College days 1925 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colonial painted slides n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colonne de Juillet n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Colosseum and part of the lake, Regent's Park 1828 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Colosseum, Regent's Park n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Colosseum, Regent's Park 1826 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Colosseum, Regent's Park 1829-1855 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Colosseum, Regent's Park n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Colosseum, Regent's Park n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Colosseum, Regent's Park 1828 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colosseum, Regent's Park, London n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Colosseum, Regent's Park: Le Colosseum Parc au Regent, Londres n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colosseum: Regent's Park n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colour change thaumatrope toy: The Children's Encyclopaedia changing colour toy n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colour mixing thaumatrope toy n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colour photography exhibition publicity card: The Kromskop [Ives Photochromoscope] n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Colour print of Egyptian Hall, London n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Coloured Daguerreotype portrait in case: unidentified man n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Coloured Lantern Slides: Ten Little Nigger Boys n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Come back to me n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Come to the movies 1923 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Comedy postcard: The Harry Lauder Series: "Stop Yer Ticklin', Jock" 1905 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Comic lantern slides n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Comic lantern slides n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Comic print with moving panel: What an agreeable surprise this will be to my little wife! [...] 1830 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Comic print with upside-down heads: Before marriage / after marriage 1789 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Comic print with upside-down heads: Courtship and marriage n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Comic print with upside-down heads: A learned man at present I appear [...] n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Comin' thro' the rye 1924 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Companion to Switzerland: tour no. II n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Competition publicity handbill: coronation competition n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The complete kinemanager 1937 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A concise description of the western Riviera: [and] The western Tyrol n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Conical polyorama panoptique n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The conquest of the air n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The conquest of the Soudan: Gordon avenged c.1890 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Conrad Nagel n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Conrad Nagel n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Conrad Nagel n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Conrad Nagel n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Conrad Nagel: Warner Bros. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Conrad Veidt n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Consecration: 1 n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Consider the lilies how they grow 1901 Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Constance and Norma Talmadge: the popular cinema star sisters n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Constance Talmadge n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Constance Talmadge n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Constance Talmadge n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Constance Talmadge n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Constance Talmadge n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Constance Worth: Grangers Exclusives n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Conway Tearle n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cora Williams: Edison player n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Corinne Griffith n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Corinne Griffith: Vitagraph n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A Corner in St. Luc n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Cosmorama exhibition n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cottage Children n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The cottage diorama 1828 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cottage in the Alps 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The county of Sussex n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Couple go fishing n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Couple go fishing n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Couple go fishing n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Couple go fishing n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Couple go fishing n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Couple go fishing n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Couple go fishing n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Couple hiking on the glaciers 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cover it over quick, Jemima 1911 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Covered wagon days 1923 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Crane Wilbur n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
"Crayon Drawing" n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Creighton Hale n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Creighton Hale: Pathe n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Creighton Hale: Pathe n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Crossing the great Sahara at the Palace Theatre: Captain Angus Buchanan, leader of the expedition, and his camel - the only one to survive the journey n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Crossing the great Sahara at the Palace Theatre: A desert fox n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Crossing the great Sahara at the Palace Theatre: A 'flapper' of the Sahara n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Crossing the Trient Glacier - Finhaut 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Crucifix at Finhaut 1909 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A cruise on the east coast of Africa n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Crystal Palace n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Crystal Palace: Panorama of the Siege of Paris 1881 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cullen Landis n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Cup Final 1923 - Exclusive 30 Apr 1923 Film BFI National Archive
Cut-out paper toy shadow theatre: Boy's Own shadow show n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cyclopedia of motion-picture work: Vol. I 1918 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cyclopedia of motion-picture work: Vol. II 1918 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Cyrano de Bergerac 1909 Film BFI National Archive
Cyril Maude: The headmaster n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
D. W. Griffith n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
D. W. Griffith: Artcraft Pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Daddy n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Daguerreotype case c.1857 Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Daguerreotype portrait in case: Nathaniel Lindley, later Lord Lindley c.1855 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Daguerreotype: a comic song n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Daily Commute n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dainty novels: and the home magazine 31 Dec 1919 Periodical The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Dan Leno album: album of Dan Leno's comic song creations, of world-wide popularity 1902 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dancing man n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Daphne Wayne: [Blanche Sweet] n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Daphne Wayne: [Blanche Sweet] n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Das alte Rom: mit dem Triumphzuge Kaiser Constantin's im Jahre 312 N.Chr 1890 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
David Devant by arrangement with Maskelyne and Devant, St George's Hall, London n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
David Lee n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
De Maas te Rotterdam n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
De Maas te Rotterdam n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Deacon's synchronological chart of universal history c.1887 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dean's new book of dissolving views n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dean's new book of magic illuminations n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dear ---: arrived all safe n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dear old daddy long-legs 1919 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Decameron nights: valse song 1924 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Decorative postcard: I don't wish to lecture you n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Decorative postcard: The oracle. Britannia, Hibernia, Scotia and America assembled to consult the oracle on the present situation of Public Affairs. Time acting as Priest. 1903 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Decorative postcard: The tea-tax tempest, or the Anglo-American-Revolution 1903 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Decorative postcard: The tea-tax tempest, or the Anglo-American-Revolution 1903 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Deep Sea Divers c.1898 Film BFI National Archive
Den sonder brudte laterna-magica c.1718 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Department store publicity card with changing image: children's magic lantern show n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Description of Battle of Waterloo, in Times of June 22nd, 1815 22 Jun 1815 Periodical The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A description of the Colosseum as re-opened in 1845 under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen and H.R.H. Prince Albert: with numerous illustrations, and eight coloured sections of the panorama of London. 1845 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A description of the Royal Colosseum, re-opened in 1845 under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen and H.R.H. Prince Albert. Re-embellished in 1849 with numerous illustrations, and eight sections of the grand panorama of Paris by moonlight. 1849 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Description of the view of the battle of Vittoria 1814 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Description of a view of Treport, the surrounding country and the Chateau d'Eu 1843 Programme The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Descriptions for Keystone lantern slides n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Descriptions of two shows at the diorama n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
A descriptive account of the Temple of Concord: invented by Sir William Congreve, designed by Messrs' Greenwood and Latilla 1814 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Descriptive Book of Hamilton's original and delightful excursions to the continent c.1867 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Descriptive catalogue of the Cosmorama: dioramic and panoramic exhibition n.d. Catalogue The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Descriptive zoopraxography: or the science of animal locomotion made popular n.d. Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The designoscope n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Devonshire illustrated n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dick Whittington and his cat c.1890 Printed Book The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Die Nibelungen n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dieppe: La plage et le casino n.d. Stereoscope The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Diomira Jacobini: Cines n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioptrics: plate 162 n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Diorama exhibition publicity leaflet: Maler Hodels grosses Alpen-diorama n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Diorama publicity handbill: Joshua Dyson's dioramas n.d. Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Diorama publicity poster: Theatre Royal, Covent Garden / Roberts' moving diorama of the Polar expedition [etc.] 1830 Poster The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Diorama show publicity handbill: Joshua Dyson's dioramas and gipsy choir c.1885 Handbill The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Diorama, Park Square, Regents Park 1823 Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Diorama, Regent's Park n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic advertising card with chromatrope effect: Price's Palmitine star night lights n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic New Year greetings card: A happy New Year n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic portrait of Sir John R. Jellicoe and trade card for Oxo n.d. Ephemera The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of building by river n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of cave with exploding rocks n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of chateau under moonlight n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of conservatory in palace n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of dungeon n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of fleet in flames n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of forest in winter n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of gorge n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of grotto n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of grotto with stalactites n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of hall with fire in hearth n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of harbour at night n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of hill with dolmen and fairy dancers n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of interior of Eastern palace n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of interior of Moorish palace n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of lighthouse n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of military camp in snow n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of monstrous dog n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of Moorish palace n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of Moorish palace at night n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of prison interior 1799 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of river bank in moonlight n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of river scene n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of room in house n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of ship's exterior n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of ship's interior n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of skyscape n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of town in flames n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic print of town on fire n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic view: Panorama of Paris, view looking east, showing Tuileries, Louvre, etc. n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dioramic watercolour painting: A man in the Moon n.d. Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Disc for chromatrope slide n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
The Dispatch Bearer 1900 Film BFI National Archive
Ditson's music for the photoplay appassionato (for love scenes) 1920 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Do take me to see the pictures again c.1914 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Docet amor 1801 Illustration The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Costello n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Costello n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Costello n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Costello n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Costello n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Costello and Grant Withers n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Costello: Vitagraph Co. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Del Rio n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Del Rio n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dolores Del Rio in 'Ramona': United Artists picture n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Don't go down the mine, dad: (1) c.1914 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Don't go down the mine, dad: (2) c.1915 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Don't go down the mine, dad: (3) c.1914 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Don't go down the mine, dad: (4) c.1914 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Don't I look like Harold Lloyd 1925 Sheet Music The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dooner's 'New Empire' fairground bioscope show n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Doris Kenyon n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Doris Kenyon n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Dalton 1919 Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Dalton n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Dalton n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Dalton: appearing in Thos. H. Ince Paramount Productions n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Dalton: as Poll Patchouli in 'Fool's paradise' 1922 Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Dalton: Paramount n.d. Photograph The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Dalton: Paramount Pictures n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Foster n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Foster: B & C Film n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Gulliver: Universal n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Jordan n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Kelly: Vitagraph Co. n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Mackaill n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Mackaill n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Mackaill n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Phillips n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Dorothy Sebastian n.d. Postcard The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Double pulley lantern slide: homemade chromatrope n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Double pulley slide: chromatrope n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Double pulley slide: moving picture of horse in motion n.d. Object The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Double rackwork lantern slide: chromatrope with 'Adieu' in the centre n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Double rackwork lantern slide: ship by the Needles n.d. Slide The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Double rackwork magic lantern slide: chromatrope n.d.